Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Friend I never knew I never had

Sometimes in life you meet people. You grow a friendship with them. Sometimes you grow to love them.

Suddenly they are gone. Not a word, not a shout, not a hollar. Not even a F-U.

That happens and you can only think of what it was you did wrong. First you feel the pain of the loss. You look within yourself as the days of silence grow longer and longer. You beat yourself up and wonder what it is, what did you do to make this person suddenly..... dissappear.

Sometimes you can leave it at that.... in time you can move on, maybe remember sadly of the ones who just arent there anymore.

Or sometimes you can do what I do and freak out. After a few weeks of waiting you can start sending the emails.... saying the words of frustration.... they all boil down to you saying dude... wtf.....

Then they come at you and the damage is done..... you can tell....

The pain comes back but now you know. This person just needed you for a little while. When they are done with you, you are easy to dispose of. The friend you never knew that you never had is probably the one that is going to hurt you the most.

You know who you are.

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