Thursday, June 19, 2008


One thing about working in a hospital is..... the never ending speculation of are there spirits?

My friend Rosalie says that every time a patient dies that she believes they linger around the hospital for at least an hour.

So I was sitting in the office with the night nursing supervisor and shes giving me report about what went on over night and what I can expect during the day as per usual. Then she starts telling me how tired she was cause she worked all night (12 hours) But was up and at the hospital at 1pm the day before as one of her friends was in the hospital dying.

I tell her how sorry I am to hear that and she explains that yea he was really sick so hes in a better place now.

Then we both go back to our respective jobs when all of a sudden a huge pile of paper that was tucked into one of the other supervisors' mailbox neatly suddenly goes flying. (I dont see it happen but i hear it.)

She was shocked and said hey I didnt do anything and pages one of the other staff that knew this friend to come look.

They both were a little shaken and said yea that is something their friend might have done. A way of saying i'm still here and I am still a prankster.

I guess I woulda been shaken too but I didnt know the person who had passed. But I did admit that the papers logically shouldnt have "Fallen" like that. In fact I was there when that supervisor was telling me that she had finally gone through her cubby and cleaned out alot of stuff. Everything was in there nice and neat and flat.

Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Year

So today is my Birthday.... another year has gone by.

Do i feel different........ no
Do i feel older............ no

A total of 4 folks have wished me happy birthday. One of whom yelled at me.

"I didn't know it was your birthday girl! happy birthday" LOL gotta love her.

Anyway I don't feel like its right to advertise, I feel kinda funny like I am begging for that old..... oh yea happy birthday.

Years ago I woulda cared. I remember one year being in tears cause no one remembered.

But now I can look within and have peace with that fact if people do or dont say something. I don't mind. Its like when two old friends can look at each other and nod silently to each other in greeting. I feel like sometimes I have that peace within myself.

Today I am content. I am another year older.


Saturday, June 14, 2008


Sat outside a bit too long today now i got a sunburn! WTG RL lol.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Too much

Too much on my plate and I am not hungry enough to eat.......

Go figure

Posts will probabably slow down for a bit....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Am

I am and have become what people have wanted me to be. More attuned to RL, away from those "Games". And where has it left me.

I miss people. People I have come to care about. People that have made me laugh. Cry even. I dont care who you are some of those "games" have held meaning to me. Have held a hella of a lot more but we wont go there shall we.

I sat outside today. My new surroundings can afford me that. Without the judgement of my crazy assed former neigbors i can sit there. I sit and wonder at the trees. What can they tell me that others have not. Where am I right now that I have embraced and allowed myself to make others happy.

Am I happy? I know they are. I am not the same person anymore. Glued to a computer. Bound by some virtual laws that say, you must be there at 7pm sharp! You must do this and that and the other thing.

I know I'm not happy .......... I am doing the one thing i vowed i didnt want to do. Become what I am not to make someone happy.

I'll go back to it soon I know. Cause there are people that care about me and I about them. It is my only connection to them..... for now....... I'll wait.... they'll be there I know.

I used to know that everyone needs somewhere to go where they can be who they wanna be instead of who they are.

Am I becoming who I dont wanna be, to make others happy, instead of who makes me happy?

food for thought........ food for thought........